Leading Indicators

RAISE 2022 GPs: What Does the Data Say?

December 14, 2022

As part of RAISE 2022, more than 400 GPs completed profiles for the RAISE Emerging Manager Database, our searchable portal of emerging VC funds. These profiles include fund statistics and performance data; executive summaries; investment team overviews; fundraising decks and more.

We then used this data to develop insights into our GP audience and trends in VC for our RAISE session: "What Does the Data Say? A Look at the 2022 Global Summit GPs."

This is always one of the most popular sessions at RAISE!

We also turned the data into a useful infographic, with insights into emerging manager diversity, total assets under management, popular fund sectors, fund locations, historical performance and more.

Download or view the infographic here.

A few highlights:

  • 89% of funds applying to RAISE have at least one woman or BIPOC partner on the investment team, up from 81% last year.
  • Total AUM of the RAISE GP applicants has grown almost 10x since 2018, to nearly $25B AUM.
  • 60% of RAISE funds are based outside of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our community of LPs and GPs has grown tremendously in the last five years, and we had 350 venture professionals join us for this year’s RAISE Global Summit in San Francisco. We are so grateful for the continued engagement and support!

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The Tipping Point Series (“Tipping Point”) is a collection of interviews with fund managers who (a) have previously raised a venture capital fund and (b) are providing advice and insights into the formation and management of venture capital funds (the “Presentations”).  Tipping Point is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security issued by any venture capital fund, including without limitation, any venture capital fund managed by Tipping Point’s speakers, presenters, or producers.

The Presentations do not (a) provide investment advice with respect to any security or (b) make any claim as to the past, current, or future performance of any security or venture capital fund, and Tipping Point expressly disclaims the use of the Presentations for such purposes.  The Presentations are not intended to constitute legal, tax, accounting, or other advice or an investment recommendation. Prospective fund managers should consult their own advisors about such matters with regard to their venture capital funds.  Raising a venture capital fund involves significant risk of loss of income and capital, including loss of the full amount raised and invested, which may occur as a result of identified or unidentified risks.

Tipping Point is produced by Raise Conferences, LLC (“Raise”).  Raise is a private invite-only venture capital conference, which provides a forum for venture capital funds to network with and present to potential venture capital investors.  Although Raise produces Tipping Point, the Presentations are independent of Raise’s conference and do not provide any forum for the Tipping Point speakers, presenters, or producers to solicit the sale of any securities.

RAISE Editorial
The RAISE editorial team includes on-staff writers and researchers from RAISE Global.

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